Award from business magazine FOCUS

JUMO is one of the best training companies in Germany

The magazine FOCUS, in cooperation with the "Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung" (Institute for Management and Economic Research), examined the quality of training in the 20,000 companies with the most employees in Germany. JUMO GmbH & Co. KG achieved an excellent second place in the "Measurement Technology" sector and was one of 800 companies to receive the "Germany's Best Training Companies" seal.


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For JUMO shareholder and managing director Bernhard Juchheim, the award is clear evidence of the great importance attached to the topic of "training" at JUMO: "Against the background of demographic change and the increasing digitalisation of society, excellently qualified skilled workers are an invaluable competitive advantage." The great commitment is also a clear commitment to the Fulda location and to strengthening the entire region.

Head of Human Resources Alexandra Dantmann emphasises that the high quality of training will not be compromised even in the current situation: "Crises pass, but the fundamental challenges remain. From our point of view, qualified training of our own employees is the best recipe against the shortage of skilled workers." At JUMO, more than 100 young people are currently undergoing training in ten different trades.

For the FOCUS ranking, structural company data, the training quota, training success and training remuneration were examined, among other things. Questionnaires and the evaluation of online news and social media sources served as the basis. A total of 300,000 mentions were recorded and analysed on the Internet.

The overall evaluation was made on a scale of 1 to 100. JUMO achieved an above-average score of 96.1 and was one of six companies in the "measurement technology" sector to receive the seal.

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