JUMO Corporate Group Continues Successful Course in 2022

Strong Growth in a Challenging Environment

The JUMO corporate group, headquartered in Fulda, Germany, continued to develop positively in 2022 despite an increasingly challenging market environment. Consolidated turnover rose to over 300 million euro for the first time in the company's 75-year history. In the anniversary year 2023, the course for future growth will be set with the construction of a new plant.


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"We are very satisfied with the last financial year. Despite numerous global crises, the growth trend from the previous year continued and we were able to increase our turnover from 281 million euro in 2021 to over 300 million euro. Our consolidated turnover has increased by 50 % since 2012," explains Dimitrios Charisiadis, CEO of the JUMO corporate group.

JUMO Germany was able to increase the previous year's turnover by 7 % to 217 million euro. Domestic growth amounted to 6 % while exports increased by 7 %. The company's export rate remained stable at 54 %.

"Our clear focus on individual core industries and our strategic development into a systems provider are increasingly paying off. At the same time, we are constantly opening up new markets through innovative cloud and automation solutions," adds COO Dr. Steffen Hoßfeld.

Thanks to the solid financial situation and excellent liquidity, investments of around 18 million euro were made in machinery, equipment, and tools worldwide in 2022. "In 2023, this sum will be significantly higher due to extensive construction measures," confirms Dr. Steffen Hoßfeld.

Employment situation

JUMO continues to expand its workforce. At the end of 2022, the corporate group employed 2,530 people worldwide. At the Fulda site and in the German branch offices, 1,459 people were employed, of which 93 were apprentices. 1,071 people were employed in the subsidiaries abroad. The apprenticeship quota at JUMO is still exceptionally high. As a result, 43 new apprentices, cooperative study students, and one-year interns were hired last year. The number of employees in the corporate group as a whole has risen by 26 % over the past 10 years.

Company anniversary and new building

In 2023, JUMO can look back on 75 years of company history. A 6-man company founded by Moritz-Kurt Juchheim in Fulda in 1948 has grown into a globally active corporate group with sites in 24 countries. "This is, of course, a reason to celebrate, and we have planned various activities for our employees throughout the year − because they are the ones who have made JUMO great," emphasizes Dimitrios Charisiadis. At the same time, the starting signal for the construction of an additional production site in Fulda will be given in 2023. "We are building a plant for the production of temperature and pressure sensors with a manufacturing area of 13,000 m2. These product areas have recently experienced above-average growth and we see great potential here in the coming years as well," explains Steffen Hoßfeld. At 48 million euro, the new building is the largest investment in JUMO's history. "It goes without saying that the topics of sustainability and smart factory are at the top of the agenda for our new plant," Hoßfeld continues.

Outlook for 2023

In 2022 the German gross domestic product had a strong growth of 1.9 %. The forecast for 2023 is only 0.2 %. The German electrical industry is expecting similar sector growth. JUMO has clearly committed itself to an above-average growth target and plans to increase the turnover by 11 % to 340 million euro in 2023. According to Steffen Hoßfeld, a look at the currently filled order books justifies this positive outlook.

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