12 young people released into the professional world

Young talents successfully trained

Congratulations! A few days ago, JUMO 12 trainees were released into working life after successfully passing their exams.


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During a small ceremony, training manager Frank Blasinger thanked all trainees for their commitment over the past three and a half years. "You have shown right from the start that you are part of the big JUMO family," said Blasinger. The great motivation can also be seen in the final results.

Managing Director Dr. Steffen Hoßfeld and Head of Human Resources Alexandra Dantmann presented gifts for the good examination results. Works Council Chairman Torsten Nebenführ thanked them for their achievements and welcomed the new specialists. The trainees then discussed their future plans over a delicious meal.

The following apprentices successfully passed their exams: Jonathan Faulstich (industrial mechanic/IM), Steffen Galimov (IM), Leon Gaul (IM), Fabian Greif (IM), Silas Helwig (IM), Luis Hohmann (IM), Jonas Hubenthal (IM), Mel Colin Müller (IM), Moritz Striegnitz (IM), Simon Melake (metal technology specialist), Emily Schleicher (industrial clerk); Nils Friedrich (IT specialist/IT).

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