pH value monitoring

pH-value monitoring

The pH value of a mash is one of the most important parameters for a good beer as the majority of processes during the production of beer are controlled using enzymes. It is therefore extremely advantageous to measure and set this at an early stage. This means the optimum function of the enzymes can be ensured as they can only provide their maximum effectiveness if the perfect environmental conditions are provided.

Process data
pH value5.4 to 5.8

Recommended solution for pH value monitoring

The best conditions for enzymes

Solution for monitoring the pH value

Thanks to pH electrodes and the JUMO AQUIS touch P multichannel measuring device, you have the pH value in the brewing process under control from the very beginning, and can provide the best conditions for the enzymes which are essential for the production of beer. The values can also be documented in a way that is tamper proof. It is also very simple to replace the pH electrodes with the help of the pneumatic retractable fitting.

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Market Segment Manager for Food and Beverages

Info JUMO Belgium +32 87 595300 +32 87 595300